Improve your margins and take control back on your next Pharmacy Wholesaler RFP with Expert Negotiators & Actionable Insights.

Improve each one of the variables of your Wholesale contract.  We help you identify the areas of optimization so you can ensure profitable growth and alignment with your next contract.

why work with us?

Our associates have negotiated over $2.5 Billion Wholesaler contracts and Still Counting

Strategy & Research

A proper RFP starts with protecting your profit goals and aligns with your stores' Go to Market. We will help you build an RFP plan so you can achieve the most profitable terms and wholesaler alignment.  

Analytics & Profitability

Comparing offers amongst the Wholesaler participants can be confusing and frustrating. Our team will run a full Net Landed Analysis comparing your offers on everything from sku optimization (Brand and Generic) to choosing your PSAO.  


Negotiating with Wholesalers during your RFP can be intimidating and complicated. Our decades of experience negotiating for Drug Wholesalers allows you to be confident that each step of the negotiation is strategic, disciplined and drives back profitability to you and your stores.

Contract Optimization

Our Associates help you select the right products and services and achieve optimized best pricing and terms.

Optimize costs — overcome challenges associated with complex, high-value and multi-year Wholesale contracts with our comprehensive comparative analytics

Achieve optimal terms — sustain productive vendor relationships with our expert negotiation guidance

Mitigate risk — understand proposed contract terms offered by your participating wholesalers on long-term and strategic commitments through our independent, objective assessments

Strategic approach

There are many variables to consider when going through and RFP. Our Associates are skilled at  how we make a difference with your pharmacy

We help you create a roadmap to success for your mission-critical priorities during your Wholesaler RFP with our industry-specific best practices.

Solidify Your Strategic Decisions — leverage Rx Intel's Research and Expertise in delivering results and growing your profits.

Achieve exceptional results — against mission-critical priorities with independent advice and support from our industry and solution experts.

Take Control

  — In any negotiation there are many variables at play.  Our approach will bring a proven system and discipline to each variable so you can feel confident that you are getting the best offer.

We’d love to talk about what matters to you.

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